Homeschool is the answer!
Yes, we have made the decision to begin homeschooling Kiera. We will begin now 2-3 days a week and in the Fall she will be homeschooled full time.
Why you may ask?
We are not a Monday-Friday type family. If I were to enroll my children in a public school, they would be gone Monday-Friday from 8-4. Kevin doesn't work those hours and probably never will. This would mean he wouldn't be able to see his children very often and we would not be able to travel hardly at all. We usually travel on Sunday-Tuesday, so if our kids were in traditional school, this would not work.
That is not the only reason. Kiera is currently reading at a 2nd grade level. This is not something we taught her, we just encouraged her and spent every night of her life reading with her. She loves to read and could sound out words before she turned 4. I just can't imagine a public school being able to challenge her at such a young age due to the demands placed upon the teacher. Trust me, I know the demands... I was a teacher for 7 years.
Other reasons that helped us make the decision:
*We want to teach our kids about the world and God.
*We would like to move to the country one day and feel we will end up homeschooling anyway.
*I have the education and heart to teach my children.
*We can't afford private school.
*Too much tests in our district and not near enough field trips
We realize that homeschooling is not for everyone and we also think that public schools are just fine, we just feel that this decision is the best for our children. I am truly excited to start this new adventure and so is Kiera!