Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One day late, but not one bit short!

Yesterday was Kevin and my 8th anniversary.  We did not hit the town and spend hundreds on fine wine and delicious steaks.  We spent it doing what we do best - being with each other doing what needs to be done.  Thankfully our anniversary fell on a Tuesday when we have help with the kids.  Kevin and I spent our day moving furniture to my new minsitry office.  We finished with just enough time to run to the grocery store, pick up dinner and make it home to let the nanny go.  We ended the evening with a delicious summer meal of BBQ chicken and strawberry cheesecake.  No cards or gifts were exchanged because neither one of us had time to get the other something special.  We are the parents of small children and sometimes our needs come last.  But, I don't for one second feel short changed about the way my anniversary turned out. 

Yesterday my husband helped me accomplish a dream.  He knew I always wanted to be a part of something new and something big.  I wanted to work for myself.  Yesterday all of that came to fruition as we loaded donated desks into my new ministry office.  I will never forget how heavy that furniture was, but how well we worked together despite the challenges.  It sort of reminded me of our marriage.   Marriage is not easy.  It is a lot of work.  There really is no room for selfishness.  You have to constantly work together to accomplish anything.  The furniture was huge and I knew it would be heavy.  I tried to bow out, but when we realized there was really no one there to help, I know I had to give it my best shot.  Isn't marriage a little like that?   You can bow out and reach out for help, but until YOU are ready to get dirty and give it a shot, nothing will really work.   Kevin was an excellent leader and coach in determining exactly how to get the monstrosities out of the truck and through the small door.  I was a good listener.  If I wouldn't have listened and tried to do it my way, we may have injured each other.  Kevin knew what he was doing and I was his helper.  God designed marriage in exactly this way.   There were a couple of times one of us struggled, that meant the other had to do a little more work to ease the burden.  Again, so much like real life.   I will never forget the feeling of what we had accomplished and heading to Sonic for Happy Hour.  Because of amazing team work, we never fought and got everything done in the time alotted.

I am thankful God gave Kevin the day off and the task for us to do together for me truly to see what kind of man I married and God's awesome design for marriage.

I am very lucky to have you, Kevin Simpson.  I can't wait to see what the next 8 years look like with you! I love you to the moon and back.

Happy Anniversary!

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