Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Silver Lining

If emergency rooms had punch cards I'd be well on my way to a free visit.  I have been a patient there three times in six weeks.   The first two times we thought it was a food allergy because of the timing.   The third time it happened in the middle of the night and no I was not up having a midnight snack.   Unfortunately, the third time, Kevin was at work and so I had to impose on my sweet neighbors.  I asked Chris to babysit the kids while Jerry took me to the ER.   I had to use my Epipen and even considered calling 911- that is how poorly I felt.  
The itching starts in my underwear and then goes to the back of my head.   Weird, I know.   Then my face starts to swell and my ears itch like crazy.   The worst feeling is when it feels like my skin starts to crawl.  It is a horrible feeling to literally itch all over and be scared all at the same time.  The first time I required an Epipen, steriods, benadryl, Pepcid, and a breathing treatment.  They say each subsequent time you come into contact with the allergen it could be more severe.  Having that hanging over your head when the itching starts, sort of feels like a death sentence.  
But, once I get the Epipen and the steroid combination, I am good to go.   It is amazing how good steroids make you feel and then add a little epinephrine on top of that....ooooh la la!
This past Friday, I was sound asleep in my bed when the itching started.  I glanced at the clock to see it is 3 am.   Once the itching moved to my head, I got up and took one Bendryl and grabbed the Epipen just in case.  Then Brie started crying.   I figured I just stirred her, so I let her cry it out.   The itching continued and worsened, so I took another.   I tried to lay down and let it kick in, but the pulse in my ears and the swelling in my face began to concern me.  Brie continued to cry on and off.  I called Kevin who was inconveniently sleeping in Newark, NJ to see what he thought I should do.   He told me to take another Benadyrl and make a decision about the ER in the next 20 minutes.  I just love how he can speak so soundly in a dead sleep.   I guess that is the captain in him.   After about 5 minutes, I had called the neighbors and when the nausea and feeling of passing out occured I took the Epipen.  Brie was still crying.    I knew she was not comforted by Chris, but I had no choice but to leave her and take care of myself. 
Upon my return, I heard the sweetest little tale of my daughters.  Soon after I left, Kiera woke up and went to my room.  When she saw I was gone, she called out for me.  Chris went up there and explained to her what happened.  She told her she could crawl into my bed and sleep there.   Then Brie started crying again.  Chris went to get her and brought her downstairs.  I was told she went to the door and began calling out Mama, Mama.   Chris was unable to comfort her, so she asked if she wanted to go lay with Kiera.  She stopped crying, so Chris took that as a yes and brought her to my room.  Kiera opened her arms for her little sister and said, "Sissy, are you sad?"  She cuddled her and got her back to sleep.  Imagine my heart when I returned to my bed only to see my sweet little girls curled up together sound asleep.   Had I not been through so much, I most certainly would have grabbed the camera and frozen the moment forever.    I am so blessed to have such sweet little girls that care so much for each other.

And, I think I may have figured out the culprit....some new make-up.  I pray I am right!