Don't be fooled by the cute little picture:
What looks like a little boy hard at work creating a gingerbread house is just an illusion.
Every year our neighborhood has a free gingerbread house decorating day. It always seem like the perfect family outing.
Today was far from perfect.
First of all, it was 83°! Do you know what happens to icing at 83°? Well it doesn't exactly act like glue - it resembles something more like snot. Snot running down- every where! Second, there was a huge golf tournament all around us- with thousands of golf carts everywhere. Did I mention I have 2 two-year-olds that I have to watch all the time? Thirdly, I expected Garrett not eat the large cookies that were actually walls. It can be heard from our table "No Garrett! Don't eat those! Those are not cookies! They are walls." I guess I didn't think about the fact that the walls looked like cookies, smelled like cookies, and even tasted like cookies. Not to mention that there is icing all around us that could go right on top of those cookies! So Garrett and I had a little fight over said cookies. At the time I was irritated that one of our walls had a bite taken out of it! If I could do it over with again I would just let him eat the whole darn wall.
At least the pictures make it look like we had a good time:
Next year I think it'll be a girls day out.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
This boy cracks us up!!!
Two conversations over Thanksgiving:
My brother (trying to be mean to me): Garrett, what color is your Mommy's hair?
Garrett: Pretty!
A conversation a little while after telling him no more cake for the 48th time:
Garrett (as I am dressing him for bed): When we wake up we can play and have breakfast?
Me: Yes, are you already hungry (he always is!)?
Garrett: Yes, we can have Pumpkin Pie, but no more cake!
Two conversations over Thanksgiving:
My brother (trying to be mean to me): Garrett, what color is your Mommy's hair?
Garrett: Pretty!
A conversation a little while after telling him no more cake for the 48th time:
Garrett (as I am dressing him for bed): When we wake up we can play and have breakfast?
Me: Yes, are you already hungry (he always is!)?
Garrett: Yes, we can have Pumpkin Pie, but no more cake!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I am thankful for family
Living in Houston for 8 years with no family has left me yearning for some family time. I don't care what kind of family: a cousin, a brother, even a second cousin.
There's a saying: Blood is thicker than water.
It is so true. No matter how you are related, just the fact that you are related can fill your heart in so many ways.
Now that we homeschool, I was looking forward to the times we could pull the RV for a couple of weeks at a time.
Now is one of those times and I have had a fantastic time.
We loaded the trailer for 12 days and started the 1000 mile drive to the Smoky Mountains.
Right before I left I learned on Facebook that my mom's cousins rented a cabin. Even though I don't know them well, I wanted to go and spend some time with them and maybe, just maybe, show off our three babies.
I am so glad I went. First of all, the view was worth the drive:
But way more than the view, was these three women:
Three of my moms many, many cousins. They held stories of my grandmother that I had never heard. They said phrases that I have heard my whole life. They had me rolling and they filled my heart the way only family can do. Even though we were near strangers, we were family and that was enough.The main reason for our travels was the two Charland families. My brother and uncle always welcome us with open arms, great food, and some darn good wine. Turns out my kids love them just as much as me.
Here are the twins getting some love from my niece, Courtney (on the left) and my cousin, Kim, on the right.
Kiera made a fast friend with Isabelle, my brother's sister-in-law's daughter (Did you follow that?)
Kevin did not get to fully enjoy our Holiday together. He had to keep working so we could have fun. Am I lucky or what? He flew in moments before the turkey hit the table and someone really missed him:
With 23 people in attendance and many of them bringing dishes, there was no shortage of delicious food. Thankfully I raised non-picky children and they dug right in!
To avoid the turkey coma, we played a little Corn hole. I thought it was a kids game of bean bags. Well me and my competitive self LOVED it and we already have plans for Kevin to build a set.
The girls got together and made
No matter who you are, rich or poor, 2 or 92, my brother, Mike, will make you laugh and you are sure to have a good time. In no time at all you will love him. Garrett quickly discovered this:
One of my favorite pictures of the entire holiday is this one:
I think I caught a great shot of this beautiful family. This is my Uncle Mike. My father's brother. Being raised in a divorce family is tough on any kid because it really effects your relationships with extended family. Thankfully as an adult I have been able to build a relationship with these amazing people. I only had 5 cousins growing up and here are three of them. They each are unique and it has been fun the past few days hanging out with them. I am so thankful for the opportunity to visit with all these different people. Cousins, second cousins, even third cousins. Brother, sister in law's and her sister's family. Aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews. It has been a wonderful week.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Fall is Upon Us
For the first time in my sweet children's lives, they got to enjoy Fall the way I remember it:

While our friends are swimming, hitting the beach, and sporting their shorts around town, we are in the Smokies bundling up, sipping hot chocolate, and watching our breath disappear into the atmosphere.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Another Simpson Adventure
In typical Simpson fashion, our vacation has had quite a few bumps. Five minutes before we leave for our extended Smoky Mountain vacation, I drop my phone 6 inches and the screen goes completely blank. So we get in the car and drive four hours to get brand-new phones. I think we deserve them since we were still using iPhone 3s.
The rest of the day remained pretty uneventful except for the massive amount of traffic in Louisiana. Because of all the time lost driving we had no choice but to push through evening hours - even into the wee hours of the night. Around midnight we knew it was time to start thinking about where we were going to sleep. Somehow midnight turned into 2 AM and suddenly we're looking for diesel in Birmingham- where the crime rate is 2.9 times the national crime rate. I found myself praying to God for our safety as we were stuck in a not so nice neighborhood (at 2 am on a Friday!) trying to turn our RV around because no diesel was anywhere to be found. We finally found some diesel and fill the car up only to find out that our credit cards will not work because the whole account has been shut down due to suspected fraudulent usage. Never a dull moment in this family. Luckily a simple phone call to them and we get everything cleared up and pay for the gas. An hour down the road and the temp is hovering at 39°. It's 3 o'clock in the morning, so we decide the best place to get a few hours of shuteye is the Walmart parking lot. Never in my life did I think RVing would include sleeping in a Walmart parking lot. The rest of the night was uneventful. We got some great rest. The next morning we headed out to finish the trip to the Smokies. We are looking forward to 12 days in some beautiful country. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us.
The rest of the day remained pretty uneventful except for the massive amount of traffic in Louisiana. Because of all the time lost driving we had no choice but to push through evening hours - even into the wee hours of the night. Around midnight we knew it was time to start thinking about where we were going to sleep. Somehow midnight turned into 2 AM and suddenly we're looking for diesel in Birmingham- where the crime rate is 2.9 times the national crime rate. I found myself praying to God for our safety as we were stuck in a not so nice neighborhood (at 2 am on a Friday!) trying to turn our RV around because no diesel was anywhere to be found. We finally found some diesel and fill the car up only to find out that our credit cards will not work because the whole account has been shut down due to suspected fraudulent usage. Never a dull moment in this family. Luckily a simple phone call to them and we get everything cleared up and pay for the gas. An hour down the road and the temp is hovering at 39°. It's 3 o'clock in the morning, so we decide the best place to get a few hours of shuteye is the Walmart parking lot. Never in my life did I think RVing would include sleeping in a Walmart parking lot. The rest of the night was uneventful. We got some great rest. The next morning we headed out to finish the trip to the Smokies. We are looking forward to 12 days in some beautiful country. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Before the month ends....
Our life in pictures the last few weeks:
Homeschool Art
Trees and how they change from summer to fall using pretzels and fingerprints
Camping at Yogi Bear
One of the best pics of the kids in a while:
My favorite way to spend an afternoon-- Impromptu Tea Parties
Karoake with Daddy.
I love the story this picture tells. Serious Kiera singing. Kevin cracking up. And Brie looking up to her sister.
Catching some much needed zzzzzz's in the RV.
Sisterly love in the RV:
Perfecting her cartwheel....everywhere!!!!
Including over the sprinkler.
Children's Museum:
Homeschool Co-op:
this picture says so much....
The theme was camping so they are viewing us through their binoculars....well most of them are listening. Everyone except the 2 year olds!
Wednesdays at McDonald's
Story and a craft. All for free. Brie loves it. Garrett not so much.
Scary times. Kiera comes down with a fever and headache that won't respond to medicine. Dr. says take her to ER. Poor baby was poked and prodded only to end up with a Spinal Tap. That revealed Bacterial Meningitis. The type that kills.
She was rushed by ambulance to Texas Children's Hospital. Here she sits like a queen with her baby. Only to find out that it was West Nile Virus that caused Viral Meningitis. Poor baby! She has made a full recovery.
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity here in the Simpson Household. I am looking forward to a nice quiet Fall. Yeah right. Life is a party.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Keeping the party alive
This is what happens when I sit down to blog:
Find the camera.
Find the USB cable to connect it to the computer.
Get a cup of coffee.
Take pen away from Brie so she doesn't write on the computer, the Bible, or the walls.
Take Garrett to the bathroom for incessant whining.
Tell Kiera to stop fighting with her brother.
Remember where I put cable and camera.
Reheat coffee.
Forget blogging and sit on couch andrest. referee small children.
It's no wonder this little ole blog sits postless. But, in my attempt to keep the Party of 5 alive, I will not worry about the camera, the cable, the coffee or the children and I will tell you what is going on...
He is an old man! He just celebrated his 36th birthday one that may not have happened because of his June accident. We surprised him with a trip to the beach and gave him the best present ever... no diaper changes for a day! He is completely healed and now all that remains of his series of unfortunate events is a lengthy scar and a mountain of bills. He has spent most of his summer working on the Saturn. Apparently having grease under your fingernails is a rite of passage for a man. He is 90% done with the engine overhaul or should I say car overhaul and only has 90% more to go. I told him to trash the Saturn and we could save up for another car and you would have thought I handed him divorce papers. So, I will go back to cheerleading him to victory on his 16 year old Saturn project (still can't say that without chuckling)!
I am working on a complete life overhaul concerning food. I have worked very hard transitioning this family onto real food. I hardly buy anything that is not organic. I make most of my own things from scratch. Although it has put a huge dent in our budget, I know it is the right thing to do. I have already seen great results as far as less stomach issues and more energy. We hardly eat out anymore and yesterday Kiera told me she liked brussels sprouts. She even ate one off her sister's plate. YAY. I have also completely embraced the idea of homeschool and am pretty much ready for the year. I have colored-coded schedules and all of my curriculum purchased with the exception of a history program. But, I am not worried about that as I only intend to teach a little about Pilgrims, Christmas around the world, and Easter. I am sure a few books and the internet will more than suffice. And with all the extra time I have after caring for kids, the house, and homeschool I still find time for the ministry - which is in a huge change. Cypress Calling Ministries is becoming Teen Life Center. Scrapbooking and gardening make very brief, but much needed appearances in my life.
Reading at a third grade level, this child has completely blown us away with her intelligence. She loves, loves, loves to read and is quite comforted by it (and the TV, much to my dismay). She also enjoys any type of arts and crafts and music. She has completely accepted the fact that she will be homeschooled, but is looking forward to starting gymnastics next week and her weekly enrichment program where she will be with 1st and 2nd graders. She still loves to play baby dolls and has shown quite an interest in cooking and baking.
My easy going baby has turned into a needy little toddler. What he wants he will get or at least he thinks so. We are really having to work on the whining and crying when frustrated. He absolutely loves cars, trucks and anything with wheels. He is a complete mama's boy and gets quite jealous when one of his sister's needs a little love from mama. His vocabulary is coming in at alarming rates and he is able to put together 3-5 word sentences. He loves food but has a special place in his heart for fruit. His manners are excellent and he still is a terrific sleeper. He and Kiera are very much alike which causes a great deal of friction on most days.
My not so easy going baby has turned into a delightful little toddler. She is happy, independent and really only cries out when she hears the lawn guys or a Santa looking man comes near her. She loves to play baby dolls and doll house and snatch toys from brother just to see him wail. She is quite clean and can do a better job at picking up toys than her siblings combined. She is a complete Daddy's little girl and asks me no less than 50 times a day, "Where's Daddy?" Yesterday I told her he is at work flying airplanes. She said, "He not scared?" She is soooo funny. She is also able to talk in nearly complete sentences. It is cute to watch her mix up verbs and prepositions in her sentences- where shoes are? is a common mix up of hers.
Oreo, Orion, Onyx and Willow are still doing well. They still run, play, fight and pee where they are not supposed to. But we love them.
I hope you didn't mind no pictures this time. At least I was able to finish this post with only a few disruptions (had to open some play-dough).
I will do my best to be back with more pictures, posts, and party info!
Find the camera.
Find the USB cable to connect it to the computer.
Get a cup of coffee.
Take pen away from Brie so she doesn't write on the computer, the Bible, or the walls.
Take Garrett to the bathroom for incessant whining.
Tell Kiera to stop fighting with her brother.
Remember where I put cable and camera.
Reheat coffee.
Forget blogging and sit on couch and
It's no wonder this little ole blog sits postless. But, in my attempt to keep the Party of 5 alive, I will not worry about the camera, the cable, the coffee or the children and I will tell you what is going on...
He is an old man! He just celebrated his 36th birthday one that may not have happened because of his June accident. We surprised him with a trip to the beach and gave him the best present ever... no diaper changes for a day! He is completely healed and now all that remains of his series of unfortunate events is a lengthy scar and a mountain of bills. He has spent most of his summer working on the Saturn. Apparently having grease under your fingernails is a rite of passage for a man. He is 90% done with the engine overhaul or should I say car overhaul and only has 90% more to go. I told him to trash the Saturn and we could save up for another car and you would have thought I handed him divorce papers. So, I will go back to cheerleading him to victory on his 16 year old Saturn project (still can't say that without chuckling)!
I am working on a complete life overhaul concerning food. I have worked very hard transitioning this family onto real food. I hardly buy anything that is not organic. I make most of my own things from scratch. Although it has put a huge dent in our budget, I know it is the right thing to do. I have already seen great results as far as less stomach issues and more energy. We hardly eat out anymore and yesterday Kiera told me she liked brussels sprouts. She even ate one off her sister's plate. YAY. I have also completely embraced the idea of homeschool and am pretty much ready for the year. I have colored-coded schedules and all of my curriculum purchased with the exception of a history program. But, I am not worried about that as I only intend to teach a little about Pilgrims, Christmas around the world, and Easter. I am sure a few books and the internet will more than suffice. And with all the extra time I have after caring for kids, the house, and homeschool I still find time for the ministry - which is in a huge change. Cypress Calling Ministries is becoming Teen Life Center. Scrapbooking and gardening make very brief, but much needed appearances in my life.
Reading at a third grade level, this child has completely blown us away with her intelligence. She loves, loves, loves to read and is quite comforted by it (and the TV, much to my dismay). She also enjoys any type of arts and crafts and music. She has completely accepted the fact that she will be homeschooled, but is looking forward to starting gymnastics next week and her weekly enrichment program where she will be with 1st and 2nd graders. She still loves to play baby dolls and has shown quite an interest in cooking and baking.
My easy going baby has turned into a needy little toddler. What he wants he will get or at least he thinks so. We are really having to work on the whining and crying when frustrated. He absolutely loves cars, trucks and anything with wheels. He is a complete mama's boy and gets quite jealous when one of his sister's needs a little love from mama. His vocabulary is coming in at alarming rates and he is able to put together 3-5 word sentences. He loves food but has a special place in his heart for fruit. His manners are excellent and he still is a terrific sleeper. He and Kiera are very much alike which causes a great deal of friction on most days.
My not so easy going baby has turned into a delightful little toddler. She is happy, independent and really only cries out when she hears the lawn guys or a Santa looking man comes near her. She loves to play baby dolls and doll house and snatch toys from brother just to see him wail. She is quite clean and can do a better job at picking up toys than her siblings combined. She is a complete Daddy's little girl and asks me no less than 50 times a day, "Where's Daddy?" Yesterday I told her he is at work flying airplanes. She said, "He not scared?" She is soooo funny. She is also able to talk in nearly complete sentences. It is cute to watch her mix up verbs and prepositions in her sentences- where shoes are? is a common mix up of hers.
Oreo, Orion, Onyx and Willow are still doing well. They still run, play, fight and pee where they are not supposed to. But we love them.
I hope you didn't mind no pictures this time. At least I was able to finish this post with only a few disruptions (had to open some play-dough).
I will do my best to be back with more pictures, posts, and party info!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Life, Interrupted
June was a blur. What started off great (ballet recital, 9th wedding anniversary, annual RV trip) almost ended tragically. I have every intention of sharing the highlights of the month, but first let me give you the low of the month.
June 17th. Father's Day.
We were in the beautiful state of Missouri at the Lake of the Ozarks. We had just decided to extend our RV trip another two days because we were just having too much fun!
Bucket list. Everyone has one, right?
On my aunt's bucket list was to shoot a gun. She had met the right guy-Kevin. He grew up around guns and was more than happy to help her tick off an item on her list.
Freak accident (Faint of heart need no longer to read)
My aunt shoots the gun with help from her husband as Kevin stands back more than 30 feet observing. She hits the steel post holding the target and the bullet ricochets back into Kevin's thigh.
Real close to his femoral artery. But how close?
Pressure was applied and 911 was called. I was happily scrapbooking in my RV without having a clue something had gone wrong.
Kevin was taken to Jefferson City, MO to the hospital. My Aunt and Uncle came back to get me. They assured me he was fine and said he seemed to be the whole time. They were right. He was fine. He was texting me from the ambulance saying they were on their way to Wal-mart. He didn't want me to worry so he lied until my aunt and uncle reached me. My aunt watched the kids and my uncle took me back to Kevin. This is how I found him:
Although I was nervous, I never saw the danger Kevin had been in and by the time I saw him he was calm and cool getting some neosporin and a band-aid. No kidding. CT scans were performed and it was determined he was lucky and quite fine. An antibiotic and pain meds were prescribed. We were on our way back to the campsite within 10 minutes of my arrival.
48 hours later our lives would take a turn that I wish no one would ever have to experience.
We decided to have one last dinner together at a lakeside restaurant. Kevin was very much up to it. We sat down and ogled over the menu. The food came and within two bites, Kevin said he was bleeding and need to change his bandage. Ever since he left the hospital, the bandages never really controlled the bleeding. We have even switched to maxi pads and diapers. I was concerned, but Kevin said it was just oozing. At the restaurant when he stood up and turned around, he had blood from his rear to his calves. I followed behind when I realized he needed help and I had the keys. I watched my husband of only 9 short years limp and bleed. He sat down in the car to put on a new bandage. As he lowered his pants I have never seen so much blood. It was bright red and EVERYWHERE! I thought this is NOT oozing and this is bad. I thought I would pass out, but I told myself that I had to remain in control and get him help. I looked him right in the eye and said, "Kevin, this is bad, and you need to be seen- let's go to an Urgent Care." He nodded. I got in the driver seat and entered hospital into the Garmin. I never had any intention of taking him to an Urgent Care. I just didn't want him to argue.
2.3 miles of hell.
I can't really remember those 2.3 miles. I know Kevin winced a lot because of the massive amount of pain he was in due to the pressure he had to hold to control the bleeding. I just focused on getting him help. He was alert enough to point out the Emergency Room sign. I sorta giggled at that. Urgent Care was never mentioned again.
As I pulled up to the hospital, this little old lady rushed out with a wheelchair as fast as her little old 80 year old legs could take her. He wanted a stretcher because he was much more comfortable laying down. I thought he would die before we ever got him in this place. But we did. In the wheelchair. I wanted to be with him, but I had to move the car. As soon as I got back in the car. I cried. I prayed. And I downright pleaded with God for Kevin's life.
I ran back in and was escorted to Kevin. It was like a murder scene. There was blood everywhere and 5-6 people around him. It was too much for me. For Kevin, it seemed normal. My brother later told me this is how pilots are wired. Kevin would not view this as an emergency until his last drop of blood was pouring out. They pulled me out to register him. I couldn't sit down and I couldn't remember my own cell phone number. Rocked to the core.
I left my kids, my wallet and my phone all at the restaurant. Of course, my Aunt and Uncle were with them, but I had no choice. And now the hospital wanted to know everything. All I wanted was to be back with Kevin. But more than that, I wanted to cry.
After crying to my mom, I went back to Kevin. A cardiovascular surgeon showed up and determined they needed an angiogram so they could see if his femoral artery was affected. No matter how they turned Kevin's leg around they could not see daylight between his artery and the bullet fragment. Here is what they glumly looked at:
They suggested surgery.
Now here we are in Podunkville where the Cardiovascular Surgeon is in plain clothes telling me my husband needs major surgery to live. We live in Houston where there is some of the best healthcare in the world. Both Kevin and I considered driving him back to have the surgery. The surgeon was against this and said if we were to do so then we needed to leave NOW. Well since it was 10:00 at night, I didn't see that as an option. I told Kevin he needed the surgery. He didn't argue.
Thank the Lord we had the surgery. As soon as they opened him up, it was determined the bullet fragment had lodged itself into his femoral artery wall. It went through about 25% of the artery. If it had gone all the way through it's no doubt he would have died. They were able to patch him up using a part of a cow heart (Yes, Kevin is part cow now) and he is expected to make a full recovery.
A full recovery, with a limp?
In the healing phases of surgery Kevin changed his gait. He turned his foot out and begin stepping with his toes. My mother suggested he go to a Houston doctor to establish a relationship before getting his staples out. Thank goodness we followed her advice. The Houston doctor said Kevin needed physical therapy or he may never walk the correct way again.
We are 17 days past this horrible ordeal. One surgery, two hospitals, three different doctors and a minor limp is just a summary of what Kevin has been through. Here is what his thigh looks like today:
He is still expected to make a full recovery although we both wonder if he will have a small limp as a result.
We joke that if you are going to shoot anyone, shoot Kevin. He is the most forgiving, persevering, strongest human I have ever met. Although he has questioned why God allowed this to happen, I have not seen him wallow in self pity or have one ounce of anger at my aunt. He knows it was a freak accident and I think he is starting to realize that maybe, just maybe, he is one lucky guy!
June 17th. Father's Day.
We were in the beautiful state of Missouri at the Lake of the Ozarks. We had just decided to extend our RV trip another two days because we were just having too much fun!
Bucket list. Everyone has one, right?
On my aunt's bucket list was to shoot a gun. She had met the right guy-Kevin. He grew up around guns and was more than happy to help her tick off an item on her list.
Freak accident (Faint of heart need no longer to read)
My aunt shoots the gun with help from her husband as Kevin stands back more than 30 feet observing. She hits the steel post holding the target and the bullet ricochets back into Kevin's thigh.
Real close to his femoral artery. But how close?
Pressure was applied and 911 was called. I was happily scrapbooking in my RV without having a clue something had gone wrong.
Kevin was taken to Jefferson City, MO to the hospital. My Aunt and Uncle came back to get me. They assured me he was fine and said he seemed to be the whole time. They were right. He was fine. He was texting me from the ambulance saying they were on their way to Wal-mart. He didn't want me to worry so he lied until my aunt and uncle reached me. My aunt watched the kids and my uncle took me back to Kevin. This is how I found him:
Although I was nervous, I never saw the danger Kevin had been in and by the time I saw him he was calm and cool getting some neosporin and a band-aid. No kidding. CT scans were performed and it was determined he was lucky and quite fine. An antibiotic and pain meds were prescribed. We were on our way back to the campsite within 10 minutes of my arrival.
48 hours later our lives would take a turn that I wish no one would ever have to experience.
We decided to have one last dinner together at a lakeside restaurant. Kevin was very much up to it. We sat down and ogled over the menu. The food came and within two bites, Kevin said he was bleeding and need to change his bandage. Ever since he left the hospital, the bandages never really controlled the bleeding. We have even switched to maxi pads and diapers. I was concerned, but Kevin said it was just oozing. At the restaurant when he stood up and turned around, he had blood from his rear to his calves. I followed behind when I realized he needed help and I had the keys. I watched my husband of only 9 short years limp and bleed. He sat down in the car to put on a new bandage. As he lowered his pants I have never seen so much blood. It was bright red and EVERYWHERE! I thought this is NOT oozing and this is bad. I thought I would pass out, but I told myself that I had to remain in control and get him help. I looked him right in the eye and said, "Kevin, this is bad, and you need to be seen- let's go to an Urgent Care." He nodded. I got in the driver seat and entered hospital into the Garmin. I never had any intention of taking him to an Urgent Care. I just didn't want him to argue.
2.3 miles of hell.
I can't really remember those 2.3 miles. I know Kevin winced a lot because of the massive amount of pain he was in due to the pressure he had to hold to control the bleeding. I just focused on getting him help. He was alert enough to point out the Emergency Room sign. I sorta giggled at that. Urgent Care was never mentioned again.
As I pulled up to the hospital, this little old lady rushed out with a wheelchair as fast as her little old 80 year old legs could take her. He wanted a stretcher because he was much more comfortable laying down. I thought he would die before we ever got him in this place. But we did. In the wheelchair. I wanted to be with him, but I had to move the car. As soon as I got back in the car. I cried. I prayed. And I downright pleaded with God for Kevin's life.
I ran back in and was escorted to Kevin. It was like a murder scene. There was blood everywhere and 5-6 people around him. It was too much for me. For Kevin, it seemed normal. My brother later told me this is how pilots are wired. Kevin would not view this as an emergency until his last drop of blood was pouring out. They pulled me out to register him. I couldn't sit down and I couldn't remember my own cell phone number. Rocked to the core.
I left my kids, my wallet and my phone all at the restaurant. Of course, my Aunt and Uncle were with them, but I had no choice. And now the hospital wanted to know everything. All I wanted was to be back with Kevin. But more than that, I wanted to cry.
After crying to my mom, I went back to Kevin. A cardiovascular surgeon showed up and determined they needed an angiogram so they could see if his femoral artery was affected. No matter how they turned Kevin's leg around they could not see daylight between his artery and the bullet fragment. Here is what they glumly looked at:
They suggested surgery.
Now here we are in Podunkville where the Cardiovascular Surgeon is in plain clothes telling me my husband needs major surgery to live. We live in Houston where there is some of the best healthcare in the world. Both Kevin and I considered driving him back to have the surgery. The surgeon was against this and said if we were to do so then we needed to leave NOW. Well since it was 10:00 at night, I didn't see that as an option. I told Kevin he needed the surgery. He didn't argue.
Thank the Lord we had the surgery. As soon as they opened him up, it was determined the bullet fragment had lodged itself into his femoral artery wall. It went through about 25% of the artery. If it had gone all the way through it's no doubt he would have died. They were able to patch him up using a part of a cow heart (Yes, Kevin is part cow now) and he is expected to make a full recovery.
A full recovery, with a limp?
In the healing phases of surgery Kevin changed his gait. He turned his foot out and begin stepping with his toes. My mother suggested he go to a Houston doctor to establish a relationship before getting his staples out. Thank goodness we followed her advice. The Houston doctor said Kevin needed physical therapy or he may never walk the correct way again.
We are 17 days past this horrible ordeal. One surgery, two hospitals, three different doctors and a minor limp is just a summary of what Kevin has been through. Here is what his thigh looks like today:
He is still expected to make a full recovery although we both wonder if he will have a small limp as a result.
We joke that if you are going to shoot anyone, shoot Kevin. He is the most forgiving, persevering, strongest human I have ever met. Although he has questioned why God allowed this to happen, I have not seen him wallow in self pity or have one ounce of anger at my aunt. He knows it was a freak accident and I think he is starting to realize that maybe, just maybe, he is one lucky guy!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Welcome to the Funny Farm
These children have had us in stitches lately.
Episode 1:
We had many early mornings a few weekends ago creating some very tired kids. We have completely ruined Kiera as far as helping her become a good sleeper, but we got it right the next time around. The twins are very good sleepers, especially Garrett. The boy likes his bed, and loves his sleep.
It was nap time one Saturday, too many hours after the early wake up. We put all Simpson people in a bed for some shut eye. We thought we would get at least three hours of rest. Then an hour into it, we heard Brie crying. Not completely unusual as she is a short napper, but concerning as she was lacking in the sleep department. Apparently, Garrett agreed because he yelled:
Sissy, no nigh nigh all done.
In other words, be quiet and go back to sleep. I am exhausted!
Episode 2:
Our awesome neighborhood had a Cinco de Mayo celebration on, well, May 5th of course. I made the most awesome sombrero cupcakes. They were so cute, I let the kids have two. Yep, I am that kind of mom. After full bellies and lots of swimming, we decided we weren't done having fun and I started a game of dominoes with the girls of the 'hood, leaving Kevin in charge of the children. Mistake #1. He puts them in the p.j.s and turns on the TV in our neighbors nice, immaculate house. Mistake #2. They actually sat there for 2 minutes, and then were themsillyselves. Brie used the furniture as a trampoline and Garrett tried out the remote, hoping to come across a car show. He's over cartoons, by the way. So, Kevin goes in and sits them back down and covers them with a blanket -- the dog blanket. Mistake #3. A few minutes later, I look through the window, and they are nowhere to be found. Marker art on the walls, potty finger fishing, and millions of choking hazards filled my head. So I alerted Kevin expecting a huge mess. He carefully opened the door and there sat two little toddlers at the kitchen table enjoying yet another Sombrero cupcake. They were so cute that we grabbed the camera -- a few minutes late because the cupcake bandits were fleeing the scene.
Episode 3, 4, 5......10, 11, 12.....
As mentioned before, Kiera absolutely hates to sleep. She hates everything about it. Being alone, the nightmares that may happen, having to lie still, etc. Everything. So the last couple of nights here are her excuses as to why she can't sleep:
I can't straighten my legs.
I can't stop thinking about Crocodiles. And Mommy, don't tell me to think about other things because I can still think about Crocodiles. I can think about two things at once.
It's 9:09 and I am still awake. How about I come downstairs until I am tired?`
The best one:
I don't have enough air to breathe.
Do you know how hard it is to keep a straight face when dealing with these kind of shenanigans from a child who can skip count by 11s? I usually melt in a puddle of laughter only to be told by her, "It's not funny!"
Oh, but it is. It is very, very funny.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Where we live....
Welcome to the Sick House. We have had virus after virus that can knock even the wildest down:
6 days later, we are starting to see the light (and the dust!)
Turns out that I like to bake. Figures. Goes right along with crafting, gardening, cooking and sewing, right? But Kiera enjoys it just as much. Recently we made Ladybug cupcakes. They were quite fun, very adorable and most enjoyed:
Every once in a while we get a glimpse of some twin love. Many times it's Brie crawling into Garrett's Pack-N-Play while camping:
Although, our house can be called many things, it will never be called boring! Wait til tomorrow when I tell you what Handy Andy, I mean Krazy Kevin has been doing.....
Welcome to the Sick House. We have had virus after virus that can knock even the wildest down:
We have even had pneumonia:
But after one crazy middle of the night trip to the ER, 2 doctor visits, 4 meds totaling nearly $200, the boy is feeling MUCH better.
Let's talk about that middle of the night ER trip. I went to bed worried about Kiera. She had a headache for the first time in her life and it was literally knocking her out. After a call to the doctor and an informative explantaion of worriesome symtoms that accompany headaches, it was determined that Kiera was most likely ok and just getting over her own series of sicknesses.
As I started to drift off into dreamland where no one is sick, Garrett started really crying. It was so out of character, that it immediately woke Brie up as well. After an hour of him falling asleep only to wake again, I came to my senses and thought something must be wrong. I was right. He wasn't breathing right. He sounded as though he was grunting every time he exhaled. I woke Kevin up (who was inconveniently located in Lake Charles, LA) and had him listen to his son over speaker phone. After much back and forthness as to whether to take him and whether or not to take the others or seriously inconvenience someone else, I decided to not only take him, but take all three.
I am woman, hear me ROAR!
I was afraid to wake the other two for fear of whininess and hold me demands. But as I roused Kiera she immediately went into empathetic big sister mode. "Is he going to be ok?" was one of the many questions that poured out of her mouth at 1 am. Then she went to wake Brie. Instead of being her grumpy wakeful self, she thought we were going on a field trip. It was so funny. She was so excited.
So off we went and about 2 am we returned home, only to return to bed (me with a sick one in my arms).
6 days later, we are starting to see the light (and the dust!)
Homeschooling is going very well. I got Kiera this amazing little school desk that she really likes. She enjoys homeschool, and the babies enjoy bothering us! I am really enjoying planning her day and watching her learn. And am happy to report that while I do endure quite a bit of whining, only once have I heard "I am not smart enough for this!"
Turns out that I like to bake. Figures. Goes right along with crafting, gardening, cooking and sewing, right? But Kiera enjoys it just as much. Recently we made Ladybug cupcakes. They were quite fun, very adorable and most enjoyed:
Every once in a while we get a glimpse of some twin love. Many times it's Brie crawling into Garrett's Pack-N-Play while camping:
But sometimes, it is just to get a little comfort from him while the vacuum is running:
Although, our house can be called many things, it will never be called boring! Wait til tomorrow when I tell you what Handy Andy, I mean Krazy Kevin has been doing.....
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