Find the camera.
Find the USB cable to connect it to the computer.
Get a cup of coffee.
Take pen away from Brie so she doesn't write on the computer, the Bible, or the walls.
Take Garrett to the bathroom for incessant whining.
Tell Kiera to stop fighting with her brother.
Remember where I put cable and camera.
Reheat coffee.
Forget blogging and sit on couch and
It's no wonder this little ole blog sits postless. But, in my attempt to keep the Party of 5 alive, I will not worry about the camera, the cable, the coffee or the children and I will tell you what is going on...
He is an old man! He just celebrated his 36th birthday one that may not have happened because of his June accident. We surprised him with a trip to the beach and gave him the best present ever... no diaper changes for a day! He is completely healed and now all that remains of his series of unfortunate events is a lengthy scar and a mountain of bills. He has spent most of his summer working on the Saturn. Apparently having grease under your fingernails is a rite of passage for a man. He is 90% done with the engine overhaul or should I say car overhaul and only has 90% more to go. I told him to trash the Saturn and we could save up for another car and you would have thought I handed him divorce papers. So, I will go back to cheerleading him to victory on his 16 year old Saturn project (still can't say that without chuckling)!
I am working on a complete life overhaul concerning food. I have worked very hard transitioning this family onto real food. I hardly buy anything that is not organic. I make most of my own things from scratch. Although it has put a huge dent in our budget, I know it is the right thing to do. I have already seen great results as far as less stomach issues and more energy. We hardly eat out anymore and yesterday Kiera told me she liked brussels sprouts. She even ate one off her sister's plate. YAY. I have also completely embraced the idea of homeschool and am pretty much ready for the year. I have colored-coded schedules and all of my curriculum purchased with the exception of a history program. But, I am not worried about that as I only intend to teach a little about Pilgrims, Christmas around the world, and Easter. I am sure a few books and the internet will more than suffice. And with all the extra time I have after caring for kids, the house, and homeschool I still find time for the ministry - which is in a huge change. Cypress Calling Ministries is becoming Teen Life Center. Scrapbooking and gardening make very brief, but much needed appearances in my life.
Reading at a third grade level, this child has completely blown us away with her intelligence. She loves, loves, loves to read and is quite comforted by it (and the TV, much to my dismay). She also enjoys any type of arts and crafts and music. She has completely accepted the fact that she will be homeschooled, but is looking forward to starting gymnastics next week and her weekly enrichment program where she will be with 1st and 2nd graders. She still loves to play baby dolls and has shown quite an interest in cooking and baking.
My easy going baby has turned into a needy little toddler. What he wants he will get or at least he thinks so. We are really having to work on the whining and crying when frustrated. He absolutely loves cars, trucks and anything with wheels. He is a complete mama's boy and gets quite jealous when one of his sister's needs a little love from mama. His vocabulary is coming in at alarming rates and he is able to put together 3-5 word sentences. He loves food but has a special place in his heart for fruit. His manners are excellent and he still is a terrific sleeper. He and Kiera are very much alike which causes a great deal of friction on most days.
My not so easy going baby has turned into a delightful little toddler. She is happy, independent and really only cries out when she hears the lawn guys or a Santa looking man comes near her. She loves to play baby dolls and doll house and snatch toys from brother just to see him wail. She is quite clean and can do a better job at picking up toys than her siblings combined. She is a complete Daddy's little girl and asks me no less than 50 times a day, "Where's Daddy?" Yesterday I told her he is at work flying airplanes. She said, "He not scared?" She is soooo funny. She is also able to talk in nearly complete sentences. It is cute to watch her mix up verbs and prepositions in her sentences- where shoes are? is a common mix up of hers.
Oreo, Orion, Onyx and Willow are still doing well. They still run, play, fight and pee where they are not supposed to. But we love them.
I hope you didn't mind no pictures this time. At least I was able to finish this post with only a few disruptions (had to open some play-dough).
I will do my best to be back with more pictures, posts, and party info!
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