Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturdays with the Simpsons

Most families run around from field to field on Saturdays cheering on their little ones.  Not us, Saturday around here is probably like your Monday.
Daddy is at work and Mama is at home with the littles.
Another day of laundry, lunch and lay down and take a nap time, right?

Not today!   While I cleaned, the kids cleaned:

 Well some cleaned (Kiera) and others acted crazy (Brielle)

 and some just acted cute:

After an exhaustively fun time of cleaning cars, we built tents on top of tables:
 While Mama vacuumed, one concerned little boy peeked out:
 A quick break from work for some Goldfish
 and a cheesy (literally) smile from the eldest:
 It's very important to give your hardworkers a lunch break:
 and they are off to the park, the pretend park that is.  Kiera's driving while her passenger is showing off her latest booger.   Oh that girl.
It was a fun Saturday.   The kids had fun and Mama got lots done.  
 Best of all, Daddy comes home tonight!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Flintstone feet

I just love seeing their little feet taking them places:

And their funny faces:

 But nothing tops when the flintstone feet leave the car and run full force at you for some lovin'!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

She's only 5

To you she may seem little and cute.....
but to me she seems beautiful and big.
This picture was just taken at the beginning of the week.  
It captures everything that Kiera is:
Beautiful, carefree, and simple.

Kevin said it is a glimpse into the future.

Sometimes I forget that she is five.  
She has chores.  Several of them and she is quite good at all of them.  She cares for her brother and sister as if she were their mom.  
She can change a diaper better than half of our babysitters.
It is easy to expect too much of her.
She is a people pleaser.  But she has a breaking point and I saw it last night.
All day she had been speaking horribly to her brother and sister. 
 I had had it!
I asked her to do something in the evening and she shot back mean words at me.
I yelled at her and sent her to her room.
She hates to be yelled at and she despises being separated from her brother and sister at bedtime.
I knew that, but I had had it!
She calmed down and tried to come join us again.  I didn't let her.
Desperate cries filled the hallway.  

After I got the twins down, I went into her room.  I told her I didn't like the way she talks to her family.   I went on and on about everything I was mad about.  She sat on the end of her bed and with quivering lips and said, "I am really trying".  
Right then I scooped her up in my arms and kissed her and told her I knew she was and she needed to try extra hard the next day.  I felt her relax in my embrace as I stroked her head.   I really wanted to just yell at her and go to bed, 
but then I remembered she is only five.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Chickies

 Today we got the opportunity to meet some new friends: all 2 legged, but some with feathers.   Although our human friends were very nice, it is very clear which new friends we fell in love with:

These chickens were only a few weeks old and very cute.   They have some larger friends in the backyard in a coop.  We got to take home two eggs, but turns out you can't spin them around in a bag or they will crack...who knew?  
So to the trash they went.   Oh well.  Maybe our non furry friends will invite us over again soon!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

She said what?

Every time we go camping, we take a nature walk.   Three of us immesely enjoy this.   One of us (yours truly) is a little indifferent since the only nature we see on these walks is weeds and mud.   The other of us HATES nature walks.

She used to just cry.
We tried to ignore her.

Then she learn to say "Mommy hold you" which translates to "Pick me up now and carry me through this mess"
We tried to ignore her.

When Mommy hold you wouldn't work, she resorted to Daddy hold you.  When that wouldn't work, she tried Eyah (Kiera) hold you.  
When all else failed her, she turned to her twin and said, "Brubber, hold you."
We tried to ignore her but instead we died laughing!