Friday, December 23, 2011

A visitor on my porch

The twelve days of Christmas has turned into the ten days of Christmas.   I had good intentions, but life gets in the way.   Sometimes that is a good thing, though.

Last night I was turning over my blog post in my mind.   I was planning a date with my keyboard shortly after the kids drifted into dreamland.

As I was bathing the kids,  a visitor showed up on my porch. 

The best kind of visitor.

The one I married.

A day early with a smile (which I took to mean he didn't get fired, so it was a good thing he was home early three days before Christmas!)

Turns out he got to come home because someone in management need some flight time.   So not only did he get to come home for the overnight, the guy offered to take his Lubbock turn as well that was scheduled for today. 

Best part:  he gets paid to be home.

No, the best part is that he gets to spend 4 days with us over Christmas.   I can't remember the last time that happened.

I don't think he ever has had this much time off at Christmas.   God is so good.

Oh so good!

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