Saturday, July 9, 2011

He loves me for who I am...

not for who I am not.

This morning as I undressed to take a shower, those oh so familiar feelings of disappointment enveloped me.

Disappointment in my body.

I wish I were thinner.

But, within seconds I was quickly reminded of what my body has done for me.

It housed three beautiful, smart and HEALTHY children.  Two of them at the same time.

It nursed three babies without any real problems.  Two of them are still taking some early morning ounces.

It surrounds a very giving heart of someone who chooses to stay home and raise three little children, but still finds time to give back to others who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies.

I have absolutely no reason to hate my body.

My husband doesn't and nor does my heavenly Father.   They love me for who I am, not who I am not.  Who am I to think any differently?


  1. Great post, and such a great reminder to women!!!!

  2. Awesome post! I needed the hear this today...thanks for sharing.

  3. Great post! I am visiting from the commenting challenge. Your family is gorgeous and so are YOU! Enjoyed this post (I feel the same but I haven't had babies yet)
