Saturday, July 23, 2011

Motherhood is not a hobby

Future Plans.

Kevin and I love to dream, discuss, and plan our future.  Up until now we couldn't really agree what our future entailed.  
Then out of nowhere it started coming together.  We got very excited.  Too excited.

It seemed the only way to fast forward the present into our amazing future was to send me back to work.

Full time.

Kevin did not pressure me or persuade me in this enormous decision, but he did leave it up to me.  I couldn't take my mind off the major decision.  But, none of it sat well with me.  Then two things happened. 

First, we heard on the radio that your needs SHOULD always outweigh your wants.  You never forsake a need such as food or shelter for a want.  We began to think our incredible future which was really just one giant want.  It was getting in the way of a very important need:  I need to stay home for my children.

Now before anyone gets their panties in a wad....
I know that staying home is NOT a need for everyone.  But it is for us.  It is extremely high on our priority list.  We have definately seen the benefits of our choices and sacrifices in our first daughter's development.  We owe it to the twins and any other child that might follow.
Stepping off stay at home mom soapbox....

Second, I read this article on one of my friends Facebook status'.  I concur 100%.  Being a mom is a calling.   I truly believe that and I beleive it is MY calling!  Two awesome quotes from the article:

Children rank way below college. Below world travel for sure. Below the ability to go out at night at your leisure. Below honing your body at the gym. Below any job you may have or hope to get. In fact, children rate below your desire to sit around and pick your toes, if that is what you want to do. Below everything. Children are the last thing you should ever spend your time doing.

 Motherhood is not a hobby, it is a calling. You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps. It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in. It is what God gave you time for.

That is all I needed to remind me of my priorities.  My future will happen, just not right now.  But it will definitely be worth the wait.  Anything Godly always is.


  1. :) Love this Jennifer! We are the same way. Our wants always seem to outweigh the needs. We are working on that too!

  2. I love reading your blogs, Jenn! You have such a wonderful and positive outlook on life and you give inspiration to us all. Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to share yourself with us! <3 Yvette
